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700+ Best Ramadan Quotes 2020: All Categories

I have decided to Create Detail guide/post that will include Ramadan 2020 Quotes in different languages along with HD graphic Ramadan Quotes that people can use on Facebook.
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Ramadan Quotes 2020: Assalam-o-Alaikum brothers and sisters! As we know that Ramadan 2020 is approaching and we are so lucky to have this great month of blessings. As we know that Ramadan is the month of blessing and absolution. We should be thankful to Almighty Allah for his countless blessings and provide us another chance to have the month of Ramadan 2020

We know that the world is changing rapidly and people are involving more and more in social media and the major form of interaction nowadays is social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Whatsapp and many more. So keeping in view the interaction of people through social media I have noticed that people love to share and express their feeling through social media and monthly in Ramadan people are at home and they use social media a lot.

Ramadan Quotes 2020

The most popular thing that boys and girls share during Ramadan month on social media is Ramadan Quotes. They like to share Quotes related Ramadan Month, about Fasting in Ramadan, Hadith of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and changing their DPs and posting images related to Ramadan Quotes. So I have decided to Create Detail guide/post that will include Ramadan 2020 Quotes in different languages along with HD graphic Ramadan Quotes that people can use on Facebook.

Ramadan Quotes From Quran

There are many Quotes in Quran About the holy month of Ramadan. As Ramadan is a Holy Month for all the Muslims so how is it possible that there will be no Quotations about Ramadan in the holy Quran. Below are some important Ramadan Quotes from the Holy Quran:
"Ramadan is the (month) in which the Quran was sent down, as a guide to mankind and a clear guidance and judgment (so that mankind will distinguish from right and wrong).." (Q 2:183)
Oh you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you many learn piety and righteousness" (Q 2:183)
Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain taqwaa." (Q2:183)
The most honored by Allah amongst you are those best in taqwaa."(Q 49:13)
..And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew." (Q 2:184)
"Indeed We have revealed it (Qur'an) in the night of Power. And what will explain to you what the night of Power is? The night of Power is better than a thousand months. Therein descends the Angels and the Spirit (Jibreel) by Allah's permission, on every errand: (they say) "Peace" (continuously) till the rise of Morning!" (Q 97:1-5)
We sent it (this Qur'an) down on a blessed Night. Verily, We are ever warning (mankind of Our Torment). Therein (that Night) is decreed every matter of ordainment. Amran (i.e. a command or this Qur'an or His Decree of every matter) from Us. Verily, We are ever sending (the Messenger). (As) a Mercy from your Lord. Verily! He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower." (Ad-Dukhaan 44: 3-6)

Islamic Quotes On Ramadan

As we all know that Ramadan (Roza/Fast) is one among the five pillars of Islam and it has a great value in Deen Islam. 
Islam emphasizes a lot on the Month of Ramadan and Fasting. There are a lot of Islamic quotes on Ramadan. I have collected some of them by doing a deep research. Read them below:
April your patience and strength take your closer to Allah happy Ramadan.
Welcome, Ramadan walk humbly talk politely dress neatly treat kindly pray attentively donate generously may Allah bless & protect you!
Ramadan Mubarak may Allah the exalted, bless you and your family with a beautiful month of fasting and nearness to him.
 Live your life like every day is Ramadan and the Akhirah will become yours, Eid.

Happy Ramadan Quotes 2020

When Ramadan starts all the people send each other HAppy Ramadan Quotes or upload statuses related to Happy Ramadan on Social media. Keeping in view this trend I have decided to collect some Happy Ramadan quotes 2020 for you people :-)
Welcome, Ramadan walk humbly talk politely dress neatly treat kindly pray attentively donate generously may Allah bless & protect you!
 Ramadan is a month of Allah whose beginning is mercy whose middle is forgiveness whose end is freedom from fire.

Ramadan Quotes Sayings In English

Ramadan Quotes Sayings In English

As we know there are Muslims who live all around the world and speaks different languages. But the problem is that all the major content on the internet is in English. So people most probably search for the words like Ramadan Quotes in English or Ramadan Sayings in English. Move above or below the page to find a lot of Ramadan Quotes and Sayings in English.
ramadan quotes sayings in english

Ramadan 30 Days Quotes

Above and below of the page I have shared a lot of Ramadan 2020 Quotes that can be used in all 30 days of Ramadan. People like to share a different quote in every day of Ramadan. So that's why I have tried to share enough quotes that people can use and share in 30 days of Ramadan.

Ramadan 30 Days Quotes

Above and below of the page I have shared a lot of Ramadan 2020 Quotes that can be used in all 30 days of Ramadan. People like to share a different quote in every day of Ramadan. So that's why I have tried to share enough quotes that people can use and share in 30 days of Ramadan.

Ramadan Day 1 Quote

As we know that first day or day 1 of Ramadan month is very special for all of us. Especially children are very happy on the first day of Ramadan. Every one Try to get a unique and special quote for the first day of Ramadan so I have collected some special day quotes of Ramadan.
Pure Actions Follow pure Intentions. Fast Ramadan for GOD not for Following a Tradition.
 Set a Mission Try to Commit it till the End of Ramadan.
 Speak Less Recite More, Sleep Less Qayyam More!

Speak Less Recite More, Sleep Less Qayyam More!
ramadan day 1 quotes

ramadan day 1 quotes

ramadan day 1 quotes

ramadan day 1 quotes

Ramadan Quotes And Messages

When the social media was not that much popular used to use text messages from the mobile phone. Still, a lot of people tend to use text mobile messages for sharing greetings. Similarly when Ramadan is starting the first thing that people use is a text message from their mobile to share Ramadan quotes. To fulfill this need I have compiled a list of Ramadan Messages for you that you can send to your friend and family.
Salam! April You be Blessed with The Love and Protection of Allah. Wish you a Happy and Pleasant Ramadan Mubarak!
April Allah Always Guide You All Throughout Your Journey of Life. I wish This Ramadan Will Infuse You With Courage and will Help You Be Triumphant Over The Adversities of Life. Have A Blessed Ramadan 2020!
I Hope You Will Achieve The Purification Of The Soul Upon Commemorating The Month Of Ramadan. Wishing You a Blessed and Happy Ramadan!
It's the month when the devils are chained,the gates of hell are closed and those of paradise are opened.It's the month the holy prophet used to pray to witness.It's the blessed month of ramadhan.April Allah shower his blessings andgrant you forgiveness in this holy month.

Ramadan Quotes in Arabic

As we know that Quran is in Arabic and is translated into different languages. Arabic languages have a vital role in Islam.
Similarly, Ramadan Quotes in Arabic are also the all-time favorite. Below I'm sharing some Ramadan quotes in Arabic along with English translation to get an easy understanding of it for those who don't understand the Arabic language. 
I have a request read the quotes and try to implement in your life and remember me in your prayers.
‏ما دام الله معك لا يهمك شخصاً آذاك.As long as Allah is with you, don’t worry about those who hurt you.
ما دام الله يحفظك لا تحزن على أحد أهملكAs long as Allah is protecting you, don’t become sad over someone who dominates you.
وما دام الله يريد لك شيئاً فلن يقف في وجهك شيء أبداً.As long as Allah wants something for you, nothing will ever stand in your way.
إن أهل الجنة إذا دخلوا الجنة
و لم يجدوا أصحابهم
الذين كانوا معهم على خير في الدنيا
فإنهم يسائلون عنهم رب العزة ، ويقولون:
When people enter Paradise and don’t see their friends who were with them in this world, they will ask Allah:
” يارب لنا إخوان كانوا يصلون معنا و يصومون معنا لم نراهم.“
“Oh Lord, we do not see our brothers with whom we used to pray and fast with.”
فيقول الله جل و علا:
So Allah will say:“اذهبوا للنار و أخرجوا من كان في قلبه مثقال ذرة من إيمان.”
“Go to the fire and take them out even if they had an atom of faith in their hearts.”
و قال الحسن البصري - رحمه الله -
[ استكثروا من الأصدقاء المؤمنين فإن لهم شفاعة يوم القيامة.]
Hasan Al Basri (R.A) said:“Increase in making friends who are believers as they will intercede for you on the Day of Judgement.”
الصديق الوفي هو من يمشي بك إلى الجنة.
A loyal friend is he who walks with you to Paradise.
قال ابن الجوزي رحمه الله:
Ibn Al Jowzi (R.A) said:“إن لم تجدوني في الجنة بينكم فاسألوا عني فقولوا:
يا ربنا عبدك فلان كان يذكرنا بك!!!”
“If you do not find me amongst you in Paradise, then ask for me and say: Oh our Lord, so and so servant of yours used to remind us about you.”
وأنا أسألكم إن لم تجدوني بينكم في الجنة
فاسألوا عني.. لعلي ذكرتكم بالله ولو لمرة واحدة.
Therefore I ask you, if you don’t find me amongst you in Paradise, then ask for me. Even if I’ve mentioned Allah to you only once. 
ramadan quotes in arabic

ramadan quotes in arabic

ramadan quotes in arabic

Ramadan Quotes About Forgiveness

The month of Ramadan is coming and it very important for being Muslims to forgive others. Islam gives us great Importance to Forgiveness and Mercy. Allah SWT says in Quran a person who shows mercy on others and forgives their Mistakes I will forgive his mistakes on the day of Judgments.

Ramadan Quotes And Wishes

Ramadan is not entirely about fasting but it is a time to develop spiritually and worship Allah. So this Ramadan 2020 sure to greet your friends and families and try to send Ramadan wishes to them and it will be good that you give this great news before the arrival of first fast before April 6, 2020 so everybody knows.

Ramadan Quotes And Prayers

It is also very important for us to pray five times a day for whole 30 days and you shall get the reward for it. you can boost your Emaan and feel the importance of this holy month of Ramadan 2020 by praying from the heart and pray on Ramadan month is great.
If a woman prays her five prayers, she fasts her month (Ramadan), she guards her chastity, and she obeys her husband, then it will be said to her: Enter paradise from which ever gate you wish." – Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him)

Ramadan Quotes And Hadiths

In the month of Ramadan, you should need to follow hadiths and read them differently to get know the value of this holy month and each of them you can relate to various things to make the most of it. as it will open closed minds and gives you new opportunities for becoming a good human.

Ramadan Alvida Quotes

Ramadan only comes for one month and it will go and for that, you need to prepare yourself and in that time before Ramadan Alvida, you should try to walk the right path and never hurt anyone. so you will know the value of this importance and as a reward, we get to celebrate Eid ul Fitr.

Ramadan Allah Quotes

As Ramadan is just short weeks away, all Muslims get ready to fast the long days in the intense heat of this summer. But as you fast, keep in mind that this month is not just about leaving your food and drinks. This beautiful month of Ramadan will teach us and give  Hadith will inspire you throughout the holy month and help you go strong.

Ramadan Quotes by the Prophet

It is quite obvious that fasting makes Muslims happy and when you do it according to tot he Sunnat of our prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) then you will see how much it will worth it to you and your family. you can simply follow the footsteps of Islamic tradition and clear your path.

Ramadan Quotes Bangla 

If you happen to live in the country of Bangladesh then it is very important that you should greet your friends and family whether you live in the particular country or other. you can simply message the,m and tell them about how excited you are for this holy month of Ramadan and want to fast for whole 30 days in the name of Allah.

Ramadan Quotes By Rumi 

During Ramadan Muslims across the world comes in terms of not eating food or drink anything. also, they abstain from doing any kind of physical activity and when you read the quote of Rumi then you will see that in daylight you should focus all your intentions to God and for maintaining it after that.

Ramadan Quotes By Scholars

As this month arrives every Muslims in trying to get as many rewards as he can to do good and noble deeds by reciting Quran and forbidden doing all the evil, also scholars say that help people in so many ways will give inner peace and happiness like never before.

Ramadan Quotes Brainy

Kids and adults will love these messages as they are simple and easy to read and memorize. We will do well to act upon these because Islam is a religion for thinkers! You’ll find many verses and hadith emphasizing the importance of thought. we as Muslims should prepare our brains to enjoy this tradition of Islam once in a year.

Ramadan is a month that gives us a chance to reach to Allah by prayers and fast. Ramadan coming quotes is a must to see and understand for all the Muslims to know how to start it and break it perfectly that can enlighten heart and souls.
Ramadan is a month of Allah!
Whose, beginning is mercy!
whose, middle is forgiveness!
whose, end is freedom from fire!
""..... turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque; and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it... ""
The Holy Koran [ 2:150 ]
Wishing you all A Blessed Raamdan 2020!
Keep Me in Your Prayers! 

Ramadan Celebration Quotes

You want to celebrate peace and prosperity then there is no better way than to do it by seeing Ramadan celebration quotes. the reason is that this whole month is a celebration in itself to greet each other with kind words and spread it to every Muslim to forbid sins from inside.

Ramadan Cute Quotes

April this Ramadan Allah show upon his blessing on you and all the Muslims who intends to celebrate it. you can read cute Ramadan quotes to understand it more quickly and try to teach your children the importance of this holy month so they can know the value of fasting.
April your patience and strength take your closer to Allah happy Ramdan
Ramadan Quote Quotes

Ramadan Countdown Quotes

Every Muslim is eagerly waiting for this month to come because this can help them to follow the right and vanish evil sins they have committed. Ramadan countdown will begin in Pakistan on may 6, 2020 and abroad will start on may 6, 2020. for the whole month, you can try to change yourself for better.
I hope you all take advantage of this sacred month. The month of Forgiveness and Mercy! Increase your good deeds by remembering Allah Subhanahu-wa- ta'ala for it will be rewarded gratefully, In this world as well as the Hereafter. April Allah Subhanahu-wa-ta'ala help you in your struggles, and make fasting easier for you. Ameen.
Ramadan countdown quotes

Ramadan Couple Quotes

Fasting is not about just to stay hungry and not drink anything. it, for one thing, is t make your soul pure. you want to get close to Allah then here is your chance. you can see Ramadan couple quotes that is also very necessary for both man and wife to do and follow the teaching of Islam.
ramadan couple quotes

Ramadan Quotes Download

If you wish to send a message to your Muslim brother or sister then there is a better way you can d that by seeing Ramadan quotes and download them to send via messages to help them know the value for his month. abandon your pride and make peace with each other.
You can Download all the Ramadan Quotes on This Post. Just Scroll above or below and you will find a lot of Ramadan quotes here. You can also save the pictures.

Ramadan Dua Quotes

You can start your day with the Ramadan Dua and recite Quran that will help you make all your day turn into peace and prosperity. it is a gist for all Muslim Ummah that Allah has granted us and you can share Ramadan Dua quotes to your close friends and relative to know it for better.
Ramadan Dua Quotes

Ramadan Daily Quotes

Just like eating and drinking is very essential for our lives, exactly like that it is also important to learn new Ramadan daily quotes to keep yourself engaged and is a great opportunity to spread love and eradicate the hatred from inside.
Scroll the page above or below you find a lot of quotes that you can use daily in Ramadan 2020.

Ramadan Day Quotes

If you really wish to someone to give a helpful advice for the holy month of Ramadan then you can share this amazing quote that says ''fasting can give you strength and courage to face daily challenges in your life'' and by doing so you shall see its miracle on judgment day.

Ramadan Deep Quotes

As you try to fast and pray may all your sins will be forgiven as you are doing for the Allah Almighty and he shall be one to provide you the reward you deserve. try to make yourself a better person in life and follow the right path according to Islam and you will see so many benefits along the way.

Ramadan Mubarak Quotes Download

Be the first to wish Ramadan Mubarak quotes to others because by doing so you will see that Allah says you will get the reward from me. try to greet someone with best and motivational messages and celebrate this month of Ramadan with pure Quotes to turn on Allah.

Ramadan Last Day Quotes

The last day of Ramadan is something that every Muslims look forward because they get to celebrate the next day Eid ul Fitr with his family and friends. you can share Ramadan last day quotes with positivity and enjoy this as the reward for fasting for the whole month.
There has come to you Ramadan, a blessed month which Allah has enjoined you to fast, during which the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed,, and the rebellious devils are chained up. In it there is a night which is better than a thousand months, and whoever is deprived of its goodness is indeed deprived.” Narrated by al-Nasa’i, 2124; Ahmad, 8769. classed as saheeh by al-Albani in Saheeh al-Targheeb, 999.
Ramadan Last Day Quotes

Ramadan Last Day Quotes

Ramadan 30 Days Quotes

It is the blessing of Allah that he does not burden any soul more than he can bear, we as Muslims should feel happy that Ramadan fasting month is only for 30 days only and for that you can share Ramadan 30 days quotes send to your loved ones to enjoy this Islamic festival.

Ramadan Ending Quotes

When Ramadan approaches its ending days you should feel positive and say goodbye it with best Ramadan ending quotes, develop an impressive attitude and behavior towards and try to become a good human being to inspire others.

Ramadan Eid Quotes

After the celebration of the whole month, the biggest Muslims will get is Eid ul fitar which is a blessing for all Muslims all over the world to enjoy and always pray for prosperity and good health for others. you can check out all the Eid Quotes of 2020 Ramadan and send it via SMS to all your friends.

Ramadan Emotional Quotes

You want to boost your  Emaan then there is no better way than to see the Ramadan emotional quotes and follow it for whole 30 days that will help you start fast and break it with motivational. as it helps us to rebuild a relationship with Allah and yourself for rest of your life.

Ramadan Everyday Quotes

During the time the holy month of Ramadan, it is very important that you should keep yourself inspired and follow the Sunnat to make your create happy because if you feel you have ended sinful life then it is obvious that all your fasting proves worthy.

Ramadan Wishes Quotes English (2020)

The whole 4 weeks of Ramadan is considered great in comparison to other Islamic months. as you follow the Ramadan quotes 2020 and you send it to your friends who live abroad in English to make a great impact and let them know when it is coming so prepare your schedules.
Ramadan 2018 wishes english 2018

Ramadan Funny Quotes English

Ramadan is a shield that protects you from all the evils of the world. you abandon all your work and focus your whole time in praying and fasting, also you get to visit many treats from your close friends to breakfast together. you can share funny Ramadan quotes in many languages you want to greet each other.

Best Ramadan Quotes Ever

Ramadan is the only month which Quran was revealed a guidance to mankind to follow their lives according to it. you can find best Ramadan quotes ever on the internet and share it with your friends and families to know the value of restraining.

Ramadan Quotes From Quran

According to Quran when Ramadan arrives the gates of heaven opens and the gates of hell closed. all the demons are locked in chains and from that Muslims begin to reflect on their image to purify their souls and refresh Emaan for the sake of Allah Almighty.

Ramadan Quotes From Quran in Urdu

Ramadan in Quran is described if Allah chooses to show better then he has blessed us this holy month which only lasts for 30 days but offers us life-changing values to self-control on hunger and also show us the right path to walk to prepare for the judgment day.

Ramadan Quotes For WhatsApp

If you are on the social media like WhatsApp then you can share the good news of the arrival of Ramadan 2020 and give this good news to all your contacts. you can view the best Ramadan quotes for WhatsApp and choose to greet each other in the best way possible.
Welcome the month of Ramadan with the heart filled with peace,, harmony and joy. April the divine blessings of Allah protect and guide you.
After Eid-ul-fitr, may you find the utmost source of bliss and gaiety... Enjoy every purifying moment of Ramadan! Be blessed!
As the auspicious month of Ramadan starts,,, may the crescent-shaped moon brighten your path toward enlightenment and may Allah bless you with peace and grace. Wishing you a Happy Ramadan!
Your sincere prayers, your devotion, your faith in Allah,,, will make you a better human to serve this society with wisdom and truth. Happy Ramadan.
I am praying that happiness will find you as you are walking down the street... Happy Ramadan!
April this Ramadan bring you the utmost in peace and prosperity.
Walk humbly, Talk politely,,, Dress neatly, Treat kindly, Pray attentively, Donate generously. April Allah bless and protect you!
April this holy month of Ramadan chase away the depression and misery that is getting the best out of you. Happy Ramadan!!!
April Allah always guide you all throughout your journey in life. I wish this Ramadan will infuse you with courage That will help you be triumphant over the adversities of life. Happy Ramadan!
As you fast and offer prayers to Allah, may you find your peace and happiness. Have a peaceful and happy Ramadan!!!
That time of the year has come.... A month to repent from our wrong-doings and sin. April all of us find peace on this Ramadan. Happy Ramadan Kareem!

Ramadan Quotes From Quran in Hindi

There is no doubt Muslims all over the world feels happy of the arrival of Ramadan and exactly if you are a Muslim and live in India then you can greet them with Ramadan quotes from Quran in Hindi to pray and fast for better.
Raat ko naya chand mubarak!!
Chand ko chandni mubarak!!
Falak ko sitare mubarak!!
Sitaroon ko bulandi mubarak!!
Aur aap ko hamari taraf se:
Ramadan Quotes From Quran in Hindi

Ramadan Quotes from Quran in English

The best possible saying in Quran is whoever recites on Ayat from Quran, then he will reward as he recited the whole Quran for months. this is the true blessing of Ramadan quote from Quran you should follow and share with others as well.

Ramadan Quotes Facebook

Today the biggest interaction you can is through social media and Facebook is one those platforms where you can express your feelings by sharing Ramadan quotes with all your contacts and spread the peaceful messages particularly according to Islamic teachings.
When we repair our relationship with Allah, He repairs everything else for us. Ramadan Mubarak
The month when evil is non-functional is an opportunity for us Muslims to initiate world peace. Ramadan Mubarak! 
Ramadan is not only by fasting we need to feed the Hungry, Help Needy, Guard Our Tongue, not to judge others and forgive. That is the spirit of Ramadan. 
 Fasting is shield it will protect you from the hell fire and prevent you from sins. – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Ramadan is the month of blessings…. Whose beginning is MERCY, Whose middle is FORGIVENESS, and Whose end is CELEBRATION.
 April Allah shower your path with light and knowledge. April this month be an enlightening celebration to all of us.

Ramadan Quotes Funny

Most of the modern Muslims fail to know the importance of Ramadan as they only fast for 30 days and try to look that they have become a good person but after Ramadan, they will stumble upon the path of negativity and evils. they can even know the prayer timings. You can hear this Ramadan funny quotes to help people remember.
1990 Ka Dhol Wala:
"Bhaiyo Sehri Ka Waqt Ho Gaya Hai Ab Uth Jao."
2020 Ka Dhol Wala:
"Night Package Walo Jaag to Rahy Ho Ab Sehri Ker K Hi Sona.." :-D
Ramadan funny quotes

Ramadan Quotes Forgiveness

Forgive and forget that is Ramadan teach us to help others and those who do wrong with you never go for revenge and forgive them for the sake of Allah, as he is the one who will give you reward for that. you can check out all the Ramadan forgiveness quotes and share with others.
The Believer Overlooks The Faults Of Other,, Admonishes Others,, And Give Good Advice
Sins Cause The Hamr And Repentance Removes The Cause!! 
Ramadan Quotes Forgiveness

Ramadan Quotes Forgiveness

Ramadan Quotes From Hadith

You will see that those who fast in the name of Allah and try to share the good among Muslims then they shall be relieved of that burden of all sins and Allah will grant them mercy upon judgment day. you can simply just follow and Ramadan hadith quotes via online to get a better idea.

Ramadan Quotes From Quran in Arabic

There is a great saying that those Muslims who are best in Taqwaa are the ones who are honored by Allah. there are many other quotes you can follow for Ramadan quotes from Quran and share it with your friends and make this year of the holy month a memorable one.

Ramadan Quotes Good Reads

Ramadan is a month hat Allah has sent for all the Muslims to erase the night and take us out from the darkness and bring us closer to our creator. you can share this great Ramadan quotes good reads to other via SMS or sent it from social media platform to greet your friends.

Ramadan Quotes Greetings

For those of you who don't know that people who sent the first news of Ramadan to their close ones will receive a great reward from Allah. so always try to greet others first no matter how much they have done bad to you. sent this great quote to your loved ones right away.
Ramadan Quotes Greetings

Ramadan Greeting Quotes in Arabic

There are some people who like to receive the greetings of upcoming Ramadan in Arabic instead of Urdu, so if you have people living in other countries then you can send Ramadan greeting quotes in Arabic and give proof of being a good Muslim.

Ramadan Goodbye Quotes

We all know that Ramadan only comes for thirty days one month and in that time you need to take the opportunity to make the most of it. you can share Ramadan goodbye quotes when it is the last day of Ramadan 2020 and try to enjoy it.

Ramadan Going Quotes

It is very important that you need o keep yourself together and making improvements and Ramadan is the only month has granted you that chance and by seeing Ramadan going quotes you can boost your Emaan and by knowing the value of hunger.
In holy month of Ramadan, the stomach may be empty. But the heart and soul are being fed.

Ramadan Greeting Quotes Urdu

There are some people who love to wish Ramadan in Urdu and being as Muslims you can do that by sending Ramadan greeting quotes to each other and if they are living in Pakistan or any other Islamic country. it is a great chance for Muslims to forgive and forget.
In the month of Ramadan whether you are rich or poor it is a must that you give charity or in other words Zakat to the needy so they can celebrate the whole month. you should share this Ramadan giving quotes to help others know the importance of it according to Islam teachings.
.*””* . * “”*.
“* DIL KI *”
“* …SE… *”
Ramadan Greeting Quotes Urdu

Ramadan Eid Greeting Quotes

The biggest happiness that Allah has given the Muslims is Eid ul Fitr. after fasting for the whole month we get to celebrate this with our family and friends and enjoy all the festivities it brings with it. you can share Ramadan Eid greeting quotes by sending messages, pictures to your loved one.
Ramadan Giving Quotes

Ramadan Giving Quotes

Perhaps this is the only month where people forbid evil from inside and try to perform noble deeds and if they are capable of supporting others by giving rations for one month as sadqa jaria, then you should do. you can share Ramadan giving quotes with others.

Ramadan Mubarak Greeting Quotes

You can make this Ramadan 2020 the best one by greeting other those who like you and those who are not. turn to sunnah of Islams and recite Quran. you can share Ramadan Mubarak greeting quotes with your friends and let hem you are the first one to wish them.

Ramadan Kareem Greeting Quotes

Send your early Ramadan greeting to friends and families by giving this good news and wish them. Muslims all over the world use this Arabic phrase to have splendid 30 days of fasting and prayer at your country. you can share Ramadan Kareem greeting wishes quotes via online.
Ramadan Kareem Greeting Quotes

Ramadan Quotes HD

Whenever Ramadan arrive it is very important that all the Muslims should search best Ramadan quotes in HD and send it to their friends and family. with this you can certainly give them joy and wish to spend it in peace and prosperity.

Ramadan Wishing Quotes

With blessings of Allah Almighty, you can certainly send best Ramadan wishing quotes to the people around you and make them feel how important this month is that brings tons of blessings for us and being as Muslims you can follow the right footsteps.

Ramadan Health Quotes

Fasting is a healthy treatment for mental and physical health. it helps to fight the disorder in the body. you can wish Ramadan health quotes to your friends and family to firm up at will and restrict your body according to nature.
How to complete Quran in Ramadan

Ramadan Hungry Quotes

Those of you will glad to know that spending time in hunger in time of Ramadan is the best time you could ask for. it is a great exercise to form the self-awareness and also have faith in Allah who will give you the great reward for sacrificing the hunger. share Ramadan hungry quotes now people.

Ramadan Holiday Quotes

Ramadan is the time to spend all the time fasting and praying in mosques and you can probably do that by the will of Allah. after Ramadan is the Eid ul Fitr where Muslims get to celebrate it after it. you can share Ramadan holiday quotes and send to your friends.
Ramadan Holiday Quotes

Ramadan Quotes we Heart It

If the soul and body are pure than you can certainly the body will act as pure as well. you can start sending Ramadan quotes we heart it to your loved ones to make them realize never to let anything come in your way between Allah and you.

Ramadan Quotes For Husband

Allah Almighty will shower his blessings upon you if you are a husband and want to spend all time in fasting, praying, and reciting Quran then you shall perform a great Sunnat. follow all the Ramadan quotes for husband and share it your friends.
Ramadan Quotes For Husband

Ramadan Quotes in Malayalam

If you happen to live in the country of Malayalam then you can greet your family with best Ramadan quotes in Malayalam try to teach them that person who fast a day shall get rid of all his sin his committed.
“Nakshathrangalum palli minarangalum mizhi thuranathu EID naline ariyikananu.. Veedukalil ninum Nadukalil ninum Eid gahukalil ninum varum nalil uyarnu kelkuna vashya manoharamaya thakbeer dwanikalku sneha ardradayude eenamundu”..
ദുരെ എവിടെയോ തെക്ബീർ മോഹിയുടെ ഇസൽ കാതോര്ത്ത് ഇരിക്കുന്ന എന്റെ ഉമ്മച്ചി കുട്ടിക്ക്
ഇക്കാന്റെ ഈദ്‌ മുബാറക് 
/\ ~ * * * *
||| _.-^-._ * * *
||| (((()))))) * *
Sneha bandhangalkum Kudumba bandhangalkum Saamooha kadamakalkum Karuthekikond veendum oru baliperunnal koodi nammilekku samagathamayi yente ella friendsinum baliperunnal asamsaka
wish u happy Eid-ul Fidr… 
Ramadan quotes in malayalam download

Ramadan quotes in malayalam

Ramadan quotes in malayalam

Ramadan quotes in malayalam

Ramadan Jumma Quotes

One of the excellent time is when Jumma comes in Ramadan and you can share the best Ramadan Jumma quotes. the blessings of this is so much higher than the ordinary days of Jumma. you cans tart sharing this via SMS or sent pictures of amazing quotes of Jumma right now.
Ramadan Jummah Quotes

Ramadan Jokes Quotes

You can send Ramadan jokes quotes to your close friends and remind them the importance of this holy month. share best jokes and make people feel why fasting day and night will grant them the passage of freedom and peace in life.
Kal Maghrib K Baad Ghar Per Choti Si Dawat Rakhi Hai.
Aap Zarur Tashrif Laen..
Dawat Me
Cold Drink
Gulab Jaman
Ice Cream
Dahi Baday
Chicken Rolls
Se Hony Walay
NUQSANAT K Bary Me Bataya Jaye Ga..
(,")/ Hamara Khuwab
_/\_ Sehat Mand Pakistan. :-D
Sehat Per No Samjhota.. :-)
Ramadan joke quotes

Ramadan Love Quotes

You can spread the love of Ramadan before its arrival on April 6, 2020 with each other. this can help to understand each other for better and work together in good and bad times. you can follow Ramadan love quotes now and share your thoughts on social media.
I pray for your continuous abundance in life, satisfaction and joy. April all of these will be grant to you... for you are a great brother I treasure. Have a Blessed Ramadan!
As you feast on your Iftar, I pray nothing but good health and prosperity in your family and friends....Share it with love on your loved ones! 

Ramadan Life Quotes

Fasting is a shield that prevents you doing any evil things. you can save it to your heart and be that a lesson of life for the whole month. you can check out Ramadan life quotes right now and choose whatever you want to send to others.
Ramadan Life Quotes

Ramadan Love Quotes

The love of Ramadan is something that can't be defined in words, it is more than that and you should obey all the teaching of Islam according to the Sunnat to recite Quran and follow the good footsteps. you can check out Ramadan love quotes right now and send to the people whom you want to change.

Ramadan One Line Quotes

Ramadan is the only month that teaches us to control our desire for food and water. Muslims will never get this type of feeling in their whole life. you can follow Ramadan one line quotes and help others to reach their self-potential.
Ramadan One Line Quotes

Ramadan Quotes For Lover

If you have loved ones then it is obvious that you need to greet them with best Ramadan quotes for love so they can understand your intention and for the whole month you can spend quality time with each other in Reciting verses and Quran.

Ramadan is Loading Quote

Send the amazing Ramadan loading quotes before it comes in just short months. it is a great chance for the Muslims to come together under one roof and pray five times a day to make Allah happy and in return, he shall grant each of us with his blessings.
Ramadan is loading quotes

Last Ramadan Quotes

The last few days of Ramadan is very important because Muslims get to spend the night in Mosques try to find the night of Laila t ul Qadr. that is considered one of the miraculous night when Quran was revealed for Muslims to guide.
Last Ramadan Quotes

Latest Ramadan Quotes

You can follow the latest Ramadan quotes of 2020 and share with friends and families try to teach the kids about how fast can bring change to our lives for better. it can also great for a person to change all his habits.

Ramadan Quotes Malay

No matter which country you live in, you can be sent all the greetings of upcoming Ramadan to your loved ones. this can also be a perfect opportunity for the Muslims who lives outside the country and follow Ramadan quotes for Malay on social media platforms.

Ramadan Quotes images

Some people like to see Ramadan pictures instead os messages. you can send and give this good news of upcoming Ramadan images quotes to your close friends and also tell them to share. as who does it first shall get the reward or it.
Ramadan Quotes Images

Ramadan Motivational Quotes

The message holy month of Ramadan gives us is to follow the teachings of Islam and never to look back the way you were before. try to change into a good person and make other happy by helping them in needs, give charity and make fast easy for poor as well.

Ramadan Quotes on Facebook

If you are using famous social media like Facebook then you should find some best Ramadan quotes for Facebook and send it to others to greet them. as the power of this platform can help you reach millions of people in no time.

Ramadan Quotes on Pinterest

You can check out the latest Ramadan quotes for Pinterest and gives you ideal way of understanding the tradition of holy Ramadan. as in this month, Muslims should sleep less and pray more. also, you can open the new door for the blessings of Allah.
Ramadan Quotes on Pinterest

Quotes on Ramadan Fasting

You want to know the perfect quotes for Ramadan fasting then those of you who set their goal to keep the path clean for others, then Allah shall open the door for your as well. those Muslims among you have the desire for TAQWA are the blessed ones.

Ramadan Quotes Poems

There is no better way than to teach your children about Ramadan by showing then Ramadan quotes poems that they will listen and read. it is a perfect chance to make them a good Muslim and follow the teachings of Islam.

Ramadan Quotes Pics

Ramadan pictures quotes are among the fantastic way to greet each other. those people who want to see pics then you can Share Ramadan quotes pics and give them full chance to see via WhatsApp or from social media platforms.
Ramadan Quotes PICS

Ramadan Quotes Cover Photos

Now you can make your own amazing Ramadan cover photo to give the right message of the arrival of upcoming Ramadan 2020. you can do this by sharing Ramadan quotes for cover photos and send it to your close friends.

Ramadan Related Quotes

If you are a person who manages to fast for the six days of Shawwal then it will like that he has fastened for his lifetime. the summer test our will and sacrifice of doing fast for one month and our body will repay us in judgment day.
Ramadan Related Quotes

Ramadan Reminder Quotes

Set your reminder for upcoming Ramadan and help other know this good news by sending and wishing them through online or send texts. the day of Ramadan is to begin in April 6, 2020, and you can share Ramadan reminder quotes right away.
Take advantage of five before five: your youth, before old age, your health, before sickness; your wealth, before poverty; your free time before becoming busy; and your life, before your death. Hadith Ahmed

Ramadan Quotes in Roman English

It is very important that you lift your spirit in the right path for the sake of Allah who has given you a chance for fast and also sacrifices your lust for hunger. there are some people who wish to see Ramadan quotes in Roman English who lives in other countries.

Ramadan Quotes SMS

You can send Ramadan SMS quotes to your loved ones and family to wish them this upcoming holy month as a reminder to follow for a whole month and never to miss any of them. as each Asha bring its on benefits for us and we shall take the opportunity.
There are a lot of Quotes shared above that you can use as SMS Quotes.
Ramadan SMS Quotes

Ramadan Quotes Ramadan Quotes Status

The best way you can update your social media, or WhatsApp status by setting a right cover picture or a beautiful verse about Ramadan that catches eye and people should also do it. you can follow the Ramadan status quotes differently online.

Ramadan Sehri Quotes

Sehri is a time where Muslims wake up and eat and by doing so they offer fajar. for Muslims, it is essential that they wake up and eat something to complete sehri with Dua that will reflect upon them for rest of the day,

Ramadan Sad Quotes

The saddest thing about Ramadan it only comes in a year. all the evils is banished and demons are chained. this gives Muslims to wipe out all the hatred inside them and forgive others to make the bonds stronger like never before. you can share Ramadan sad quotes on your timelines.
Ramadan Sad Quotes

Ramadan Quotes For Friends

Those of you who like to send messages to your friends like, funny, poetry, and other stuff. now you can send Ramadan quotes for friends to wish them in advance and realize them this is an opportunity of a lifetime to change yourself for better.

Ramadan Quotes Wallpapers

Make your own unique wallpaper for the upcoming holy month of Ramadan 2020 and set it in your mobile phones with date and time or set it in your PC or laptops to follow it for a whole month. you can check out all the latest Ramadan quotes for wallpapers online and choose.
Ramadan Quotes Wallpapers

Ramadan Quotes with Images

It is time that you make our own image of Ramadan by spending all the time in mosques reciting Quran and pray five times day makes you a great Muslim. you can change for the better and try to help others in that process.

Ramadan Quotes WhatsApp

If you wish to greet your friends on WhatsApp only. then you can send short and sweet messages to them. check out all the latest Ramadan quotes for WhatsApp 2020 and choose wisely the one predicts your thoughts and turn them into words.
Ramadan Quotes WhatsApp

Ramadan Thank you Quotes

The Ramadan is a month that start with forgiveness and ends with banished hell doors on Muslims who pray and fast enough to get them a chance of freedom from evil. you can check out all the Ramadan latest thank you quotes and send to your friends differently for the whole month.

Checkout Ramadan Calendars for Below Countries:

100+ *Beautiful* Ramadan Mubarak Quotes – Ramadan Kareem Quotes

Ramadan Mubarak Quotes and Ramadan Kareem Quotes

Send a Ramadan Quotes for friends and your loved ones! All these Ramadan Mubarak Quotes promote and can inspire since they fast and pray for the Ramadan season. Don’t hesitate to send your friends these Ramadan Quotes overseas to let them know you remember them with this sacred event. Because we maintain this Ramadan Kareem Quotes messages brief to match on your Quotes no worries.
This Ramadan brings you prosperity & peace. May light triumph over darkness. May peace surpass the ground. May the soul of lighting illuminates the entire world.
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As you observe Ramadan,
Possess your palms open to get
The gift of sweet and pleasure calmness!
Ramadan Mubarak!
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes

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May the crescent moon,
Shower love, health, and fortune, on you.
May Along with your own life
Beautiful and happy.
Happy Ramzan!
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A isn’t a hunger strike. Fasting submits to God’s commands. A hunger strike makes God submit to our demands.
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Welcome the crescent moonlight When it hangs above in the night your faith will fortify Certainly it is going to bring blessing. Ramadan Mubarak!
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During this season of Ramzan,
I pray to Allah,
To joyous life and your long term.
Happy Ramzan.

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May This Ramadan be as smart as ever. This Ramadan brings you joy, wealth and health. The festival of lights brightens up you and your dear and near ones lifestyles.
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This celebration will lead us
On the route of high stability among most Muslims.
Happy Ramadan!
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes

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Some are trying Although we sow. Will turn to bless. It is a month of sacrifice that is profitable. Ramadan brings rewards into our own lives. Ramadan Mubarak!
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Fasting strengthens the soul and the entire body and might help clarify.
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This Ramzan, And can you be blessed
Together with the best of fortune.
Happy Ramzan.
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes

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This Ramadan brings you the utmost in prosperity and peace. May light triumph over darkness. May peace surpass the ground. May the soul of lighting illuminates the entire world.
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Ramadan is the season where the Devils’ horns freeze.
Let us take this chance to eliminate hatred and to spread love.
Have a blessed and peaceful Ramadan.
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It is a period of reflection. It is a moment of purification. Everything is seen by Allah. And rewards significantly. Ramadan Mubarak!

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Fasting is also, first of all, a workout for identifying and managing hardship in most of its kinds. With religion, flaxseed requires men and women to an additional amount of self-awareness.
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It is time
Ramzan is here.
Forget your concerns,
On praying and Keep
With of your hearts.
Ramzan Mubarak.
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes
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May Allah direct you.
I want this Ramadan will infuse you with courage
That can help you be triumphant over life’s adversities.
Happy Ramadan!
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We step out ourselves have to learn this particular command, and during our egoism and instruct ourselves. Meditation requires that we reconcile ourselves and all that is living around us.
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This Ramzan,
Allah can make you feel blessed,
By fulfilling fantasies and all of your fantasies.
Ramzan Mubarak.
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes

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Your lifetime brightens,
And bring you peace, joy, and happiness
Wish you a blessed Ramadan Kareem
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I expect a storm will shower you.
But rather than a storm,
It’s a storm of blessings.
Happy Ramadan!

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May your days be happy to pleasure and Peace a month journey that is very long But full of felicity. I wish you a happy Ramadan.
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This SMS will be to Allow You to know
Which you are remembered
On this festival that is divine
of Ramzan.
Ramzan Mubarak
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes

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May this festival of Ramadan,
Fill your home with joy, love, and peace
May your love for Allah reduce
Wish you a blessed Ramadan
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As you start your door, I expect you will see happiness
Waiting for you to allow it to enter into your property.
Happy Ramadan!
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Qur’an reminds us we must keep pristine until Allah’s throne. Since Ramadan is quickly approaching, Let us prepare our hearts and heads. We might be united spiritually with the one. Ramadan Mubarak!
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes

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During prayer, analyzing, and fasting, God will answer.
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May you’re forgiven,
For all of your sins.
And may bless you
With all wisdom’s light.
Happy Ramzan.
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes

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May Allah bless you that Ramadan,
And direct you to where to the Quran. Ramadan Kareem Mubarak
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Sacrificing love could never be equaled by our own body
We encounter from our one and only God.
Happy Ramadan!
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Since the Qur’an is recited during the Ramadan season, I pray that minds and our hearts agree to that which we are training and examine it. It is the doing that counts, not merely utterance. Ramadan Kareem!
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I must appear so, and so studiously avoided mixing in society, and wrapped myself devoting my time to prayer and fasting.
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Welcome this month of Ramadan with a heart full of peace, joy, and stability. Ramadan Kareem!
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May Allah bless you and your loved ones to get a happy and comfortable life on Ramadan and consistently.
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes

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May the blessings of Allah protect and guide you. I wish you a peaceful and happy Ramadan!
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I wish you a blessed Ramadan. May Allah’s blessings are with your loved ones and you. Ramadan Kareem.
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May this Ramadan be happy and rewarding as ever. Ramadan Kareem!
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes
May the grace and blessings of Allah be with you that Ramadan. Have a blessed Ramadan!
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes
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As you observe the month of Ramadan, will its soul illuminate your spirit from inside and remain in your heart. Ramadan Kareem!
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes
A month to get blessings, Per month of prayer, a month of fasting. Ramadan Kareem!
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes
As you watch fasting this Ramadan and provide prayers, may Allah give you peace and happiness. Happy Ramadan!
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The holy season of Ramadan has started. Praise Allah. Quick and pray for the happy and blessed tomorrow and now. Happy Ramadan!
Ramadan Quotes
The trick to success is reflected in the Qur’an. We find guidance and blessing as it is recited by us altogether. Happy Ramadan!
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We observe that with aging, fasting nearly is connected at the scriptures. Without prayer, fasting isn’t complete fasting.
Ramadan Mubarak Quotes
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