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birthday wishes in hindi for friend

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birthday wishes in hindi for friend We welcome you to this post, I share with you birthday wishes and best collection of birthday wishes in hindi for friend language. So you enjoy my collection and share this collection to your friends, your boyfriend and your girlfriend. If you like true lover status then you can also share your social media profiles like Whatsapp Facebook Twitter and other social sites.

birthday wishes in hindi for friend

birthday wishes in hindi for friend
birthday wishes in hindi for friend

God may have celebrated that day too,
The day you made with your own hands,
He must also have tears…
The day you were sent to Earth, you would find yourself alone…

Happy Birthday friend…
Nothing can be as joyous as spending time with you, let today be the best of all so far. Happy birthday friend, you are loved

You are my friend, my friend
I wish you a happy birthday…
Never let anyone see you,
Never be sad, this dear cute cute…
Best wishes for birthday

I feel so blessed to have you as my friend. Hope your birthday is as special as you are.May all your fantasies come true. Thank you for being such a terrific friend. Happy birthday!

You understand me like nobody else. I have a sibling in you my friend. Happy birthday to my best friend!

I wish you love🥰, hope and everlasting joy and happiness. Thank you for being my 😎best friend!

For My Special Friend, Happy Birthday. I hope the best gift you receive today is knowing how much you mean to me!

Happy birthday! May your day be filled with lots of love and happiness.

 I couldn’t imagine a better friend. Thanks for all the memories! Happy birthday!

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